Tempdent Apprentice Nurses shine in End Point assessments

Tempdent Apprentice Nurses shine in End Point assessments

As you may know Tempdent have been delivering apprenticeships in dental nursing for over 20 years with extremely high success rates.  In all those years we are proud to have supported 1000’s of people in starting their careers in dental nursing.  We continue to see them progress in their careers and many have come back to us to complete post-registration courses, CPD and latterly Practice Manager qualifications.

May 2017 brought many changes to the Apprenticeship in Dental Nursing with the launch of the new standards for the qualification which in turn brought the introduction of the End Point Assessment.  This addition to the apprenticeship included the requirement for an apprentice nurse to either complete a synoptic project or an observation followed by a professional discussion with an external examination board. 

The first of Tempdent’s apprentices reached the End Point gateway for assessment from March 2019 onwards.  Apprentices can achieve either a Pass or Distinction in the assessment and to date we are proud to report that we have 94% first time pass rate with 30% of Tempdent learners achieving a distinction!

Cathy Vincini, Quality and Curriculum Manager at Tempdent commented 

“We are very proud of the way that our assessors and learners have worked to embrace the new End Point Assessment process and this is borne out in the fantastic results that we have achieved.  The numbers of distinctions achieved is testament to the quality of Tempdent apprenticeship delivery and the high standards we set both internally and for our learners.”

Fern Rodgers who recently achieved a distinction in the End Point Assessment said “The Tempdent dental nurse course is by far one of the best courses I have done, don’t get me wrong it’s a lot of work, but it’s worth it! You learn so much in the weekly webinars and coursework. My assessor was amazing she really supported me through this course especially when I had a few personal issues. She helped me get through it all and I will forever be grateful for her support. Brilliant course and provider!”


If you’re interested in joining the apprenticeship with Tempdent you can find out more here or call us on 020 8371 6700 and ask to speak to the training team.

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