Safeguarding CPD

Tempdent’s Safeguarding CPD modules will help you understand the safeguarding process and enable you to recognize, respond, record and report abuse, as well as learn about the government's Prevent strategy. Our level 3 module provides information on the responsibilities of a safeguarding lead and will aid you in identifying staff training needs in relation to safeguarding procedures. The safeguarding modules link to GDC development outcome “A".

  • Online CPD - Safeguarding Module 1 - Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking

    Safeguarding Module 1 - Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking

    • 8.00 ex VAT (free on subscription)
    • Online
    The aim of this module is to give a clearer understanding of how human trafficking and modern slavery are a part of our society. This…  more info
  • Online CPD - Safeguarding Module 2 - Lone Working

    Safeguarding Module 2 - Lone Working

    • 8.00 ex VAT (free on subscription)
    • Online
    This CPD covers lone working, the risks and measures that should be in place for team members to safely work alone.  This CPD module…  more info
  • Online CPD - Safeguarding Module 3 -  Level 2 - Children & Vulnerable Adults - For the whole team

    Safeguarding Module 3 - Level 2 - Children & Vulnerable Adults - For the whole team

    • 8.00 ex VAT (free on subscription)
    • Online
    This level 2 Safeguarding CPD is suitable for all the dental team. It provides a basic understanding of safeguarding patients, with…  more info
  • Online CPD - Safeguarding Module 4 - Safeguarding Level 2 – Prevent Duty CPD

    Safeguarding Module 4 - Safeguarding Level 2 – Prevent Duty CPD

    • 8.00 ex VAT (free on subscription)
    • Online
    The purpose of this module is to provide you with an overview of the Prevent strategy, the responsibilities of authorities and healthcare…  more info
  • Online CPD - Safeguarding Module 5 - Safeguarding Level 3 - Children & Vulnerable Adults

    Safeguarding Module 5 - Safeguarding Level 3 - Children & Vulnerable Adults

    • 8.00 ex VAT (free on subscription)
    • Online
    This level 3 Safeguarding CPD focuses on facilitating acting as a safeguarding lead within the dental practice. This includes using…  more info
  • Online CPD - Safeguarding Module 6 - Autism Awareness

    Safeguarding Module 6 - Autism Awareness

    • 8.00 ex VAT (free on subscription)
    • Online
    The aim of this module is to give further knowledge and understanding of Autism. It details the responsabilities for individuals and…  more info
  • Safeguarding Module 7 - Relationships, Sexual Health Education

    Safeguarding Module 7 - Relationships, Sexual Health Education

    • 8.00 ex VAT (free on subscription)
    • Online
    This CPD will help you understand and identify the difference between healthy and unhealthy relationships, spot traits, and help someone…  more info

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